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In 2024–25, Stanford is a $9.7 billion enterprise. This figure represents the university’s consolidated budget for operations, a compilation of all annual operating and restricted budgets that support teaching, scholarship and research, including the budgets of all schools and administrative areas and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. It does not include the $0.7 billion capital budget and excludes the budget for Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. Visit the Stanford Business Affairs website.

Sources of Funds for FY 2024–25

Sponsored research17%
Endowment income20%
Other investment income4%
Student income13%
Health care services24%
Expendable gifts7%
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory8%
Other income7%

Expenditures for FY 2024-25

Salaries & benefits63%
Other operating expenses28%
Financial aid5%
Debt service4%


Stanford’s $37.6 billion endowment (as of Aug. 31, 2024) provides an enduring source of financial support for fulfillment of the university’s mission of teaching, learning and research. It disbursed a $1.8 billion payout to support vital academic programs and financial aid during the fiscal year. More than 75 percent of the endowment payout is restricted by donors for specific purposes. There are more than 9,100 endowed university funds. Each year, a portion of investment return from the endowment is used to support annual operating expenses. The remainder of the return is reinvested in the endowment to maintain its purchasing power over time. The Stanford Management Company (SMC) was established in 1991 to manage Stanford’s core investment portfolio. SMC is a division of the university with oversight by a board of directors appointed by the university board of trustees. Visit the Stanford Management Company website.

Learn more by downloading our Stanford 2024 endowment fact sheet.


Stanford University, Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital reported $1.6 billion in gifts and pledge payments during the fiscal year that ended August 31, 2024, reflecting the financial support of more than 57,000 donor households.